about the face

Oval shape face
1. eyebrow: perfect eyebrow
2. blush: apply blush justto give a warm or cute look
3. shade: no need to corrective any
4. hair: any style will look good
5. dress: can wear any colours and style of dress
6. accessories: hanging earing look the best, can wear heavy or simple accessories

Round shape face
1. eyebrow: draw an arch eyebrow to make a face appear longer instead of wider
2. blush : apply blush horizontally 45 degree from cheek bone upward stroke
3. shade: apply darker shade foundation on the jawline area for a slimmer look
4. hair: bob stlyle with soft layering in front
5. dress: never wear light colours esp around the face area, choose the simple style of dress
6. accessories: very simple and light accessories are recomended

Square shape face
1. eyebrow: draw an round arch brow as it will make face longer
2. blush: apply blush 45 degrees
3. shade: a darker on the jawline, area to make the face less square
4. hair: curly style look the best , side parting will also make it less square
5. dress: dark colours of dress will be the best. Choose simple style of dress
6. Accessories: very simple and light accessories are recomended

Diamond shape/ hight cheek bone
1. eyebrow: perfect eyebrow
2. blush: horizontally go inward, dont use red tone it just enhance the cheek bone, choose pastel colour of blush
3. shade: apply darker shade on the cheek and chin area
4. hair: curly style is not recomended. this shape usually look mature, choose cute hairstyle
5. dress: choose simple, cute style and fun color of dress
6. accessories: dont go with the heavy accessories... choose simple, elegant or cute accessories


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