about the colours
type of colour:
warm colour
shade of warm colour: red to yellow
cool colour
shade of cool colour: red purple to green
warm colour
shade of warm colour: red to yellow
cool colour
shade of cool colour: red purple to green
the following are ststement with wich the different colours are associated, each of them can be used in combination or alone.
red: warm, young, strong, patient, alive, determined, friendly, vital and assertive.
orange: fun, enlivening, practical, humorous, creative, constructive, and willing
yellow: logical, intellegent, clear-headed, orderly, happy, light, articulate and forgiving
green: fresh, balance, efficient, sincere, harmonious, secure, free, contented and sharing
blue: peaceful, tranquile, calm, hopeful, faithful, trusting, flexible, reassuring, honest, united accepting and healing.
Purple; mysterious, mature, genuine, helpful, natural, yielding, compassion, suporting, kind and considerated